

We offer products, solutions, and services across the entire energy value chain. We support our customers on their way to a more sustainable future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dear customer, alternative energy systems are calculated according to the electrical needs of houses and facilities. The electricity needs of each house are measured by the equipment it uses and the operating hours of that equipment.
Dear customer, alternative energy systems can be installed anywhere. Before installation, engineers perform calculations and develop the most ideal system concept you need.
There are several types of alternative energy systems. They are divided into 3 parts: ten grid, off grid, hybrid. Ten grid systems are designed to save energy where there is electricity, Off grid systems are designed to provide light where there is no electricity, and Hybrid systems are designed to provide electricity by combining different alternative energy sources.
You can see our address at this link:
Alternativ enerji növləri ənənəvi enerji qaynaqlarından fərqli olaraq təmiz və uzunömürlüdür. Bunlara günəş, külək, su, geotermal, hidrogen enerjisi və sair kimi bərpaolunan enerji növləri daxildir.

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